Confidor Super

Confidor Super


0 review(s)

by Bayer

Category: Pesticides

Confidor Super


0 review(s)

by Bayer

Category: Pesticides

Chemical compound

Imidacloprid 30.5% SC

Broad-spectrum Insecticide
Additional Information:
Being systemic in nature, it is relatively safer to natural enemies and acts selectively on sucking pests. It is thus ideal for IPM programme. SC formulation helps to increase the efficiency of wetting, spreading and absorption on the leaf surface. Application results in better and vigorous growth with stress shield effect
Mode of Action:
4A - Imidacloprid is antagonist to the nicotinic acetyl choline receptor in the central nervous system. It disturbs the proper signal transmission system leading to excitation of nerve cell. Consequently a disorder of the nervous system occurs leading finally to the death of the treated insect
Control Method:
Curative control
Way of Application:
Time of Application:
Water Requirement:
Extra Tips:



Broad-spectrum Insecticide

Additional Information:

Being systemic in nature, it is relatively safer to natural enemies and acts selectively on sucking pests. It is thus ideal for IPM programme. SC formulation helps to increase the efficiency of wetting, spreading and absorption on the leaf surface. Application results in better and vigorous growth with stress shield effect

Key attributes

Mode of Action:

4A - Imidacloprid is antagonist to the nicotinic acetyl choline receptor in the central nervous system. It disturbs the proper signal transmission system leading to excitation of nerve cell. Consequently a disorder of the nervous system occurs leading finally to the death of the treated insect

Control Method:

Curative control

Crops and target pests


Cotton Rice

Always refer to the product labels and accompanying leaflets for complete product details and safety measures.

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